Touch is so important
It is a basic human need
But unwanted touch pervades our society
Not necessarily a full on assault, but even thinking you were supposed to want to, when you just didn’t know how to say no, or didn’t think you should, or believed that 'he or she won’t like me if I say no', or everyone else is doing it, so I should too, or they just never really asked - they just touched you
So you did it anyway
Or you let them and didn’t say anything
Even though part of you wanted to say no, or stop – or all of you wanted to
We have emotions and feelings and energy stuck in our bodies
From unwanted touch, assault, from all sorts of trauma related to sex, or not
A scream that was stifled
Yet, we still crave touch
Not necessarily the type of touch we have received before
'Not everyone else likes to be touched the same way you do!'
We have unprocessed fears and emotions stuck in our bodies that erotic energy can stimulate move and transform
It is healing
It is natural
You consciously allow your body to heal itself
Re-experience and re-solve, in a different way
Move on
It can help you to feel
It can help you to change
It can help you to grow
So, this is about saying yes and saying no, and figuring out when we would rather say which
For ourselves, not for anyone or anything else
And this is not just about the bedroom
Erotic embodiment leads to personal empowerment
Recognizing that you can have what you want and what feels good, but don’t need to take what you don’t want, or what doesn’t feel good, is empowering
You figure out that you can do that in all other aspects of your life, too
This is your life
Boundary lessons in bed, or in sex, are useful in maintaining healthy relationships outside the bedroom
Life lessons, not just sex lessons
People have spent centuries looking for happiness
But what is that?
how does it feel?
What does happiness feel like?
My sessions with a Somatic Sex Educator helped me find happiness in my body
Then I knew what I was looking for in the rest of my life
Or at least I knew what it felt like! What a great guidepost to take into the world!
There is a reason there are so many pleasurable nerve endings in our genitals
We came from the factory that way – what a waste to ignore them!
Why not heat up the furnace if you have one?
Yet as children we were shamed for our natural, erotic urges
church and religion and family and culture have told us not to DO THAT
We would go to hell, we would grow hairy palms, we would be a slut
Don’t touch “down THERE”
“Jimmy, what are you doing locked in the bathroom!?”
We hold and carry those negative feelings and emotions in our bodies
Having a safe person witness you during your ecstatic states can help to enforce the acceptance and positivity of those feelings and sensations in your body
To help you discover your erotic body and to teach you what sex education in school wasn’t allowed to teach you
We are erotic beings no matter how we choose to express ourselves in our daily lives
We have compartmentalized our erotic lives, our erotic nature and separated that from the rest of ourselves
Yet part of mind body spirit connection is bringing our erotic lives into our daily lives
There is no reason to be ashamed of your physical body or your erotic feelings
reconnect all of the parts of you into one